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Professionalism counts when hiring a disaster cleanup company


Your home is likely the most valuable thing you own.

It is where you share treasured moments with those you love, reading to your child at night, making dinner with your partner, laughing over a drink with friends. Although home is most people’s safe space, there is no guarantee that a fire, flood, or severe weather won’t cause damage and jeopardize your homes safety. Damage can occur suddenly if severe winds cause a tree to fall on your house, or your pipes suddenly freeze. Events like these will require immediate emergency action. Though emergencies seem much more urgent than small repair or remediation needs, the consequences are just as severe. If you have a small leak in your home and ignore it, the water build-up can weaken the structure of your home leading to future, more expensive, structural damage, and cause mold growth which can be extremely dangerous to you and your family’s health. Therefore, it is important to solve problems as soon as you see them. Once damages are identified, it is imperative that you hire a professional disaster cleanup company to solve the problem. If a repair is not done right, more damage can be caused, or the original problem will not be fixed, costing more in the future.

How do you know what disaster cleanup company to call? It is important to do extensive research prior to hiring a restoration company. Professionalism counts when choosing a business you trust to do the job right. After all, they will be working with your insurance company to ensure the best possible financial outcome for you, and getting your belongings out of your house, cleaned and back in as soon as possible.

The first thing to look for is reliability. Do they have experience in the field? Have they completed the necessary training and certifications to ensure they will repair your home properly? How do customers feel about the work they have previously done? These are important questions to ask, and a reliable company can answer them leaving you confident in their ability to get the job done right. A reputable and professional disaster cleanup company should be able to show you proof of certifications and experience, with further proof of positive customer reviews and the ability to provide references of recently completed jobs.

Once you find a reliable disaster cleanup company and choose them to do the mitigation and repairs, they should have a plan of action, explaining the process to you every step of the way, and keeping you updated throughout the entire restoration process. A quality restoration company should also be in contact with your insurance carrier and insurance agent, working with them to ensure the best possible outcome for their customer (you). Restoration companies with more experience in the restoration field will also have more experience with insurance. The longer they have been in business, the more relationships with insurance carriers the disaster cleanup company have built. This background allows restoration companies to anticipate how a certain insurance company will react to a claim and do their best to work with them, translating to the customers benefit.

At the end of the day, disaster cleanup companies work for the customer, not insurance companies, so a top-notch restoration company’s goal is to make a stressful situation as manageable as possible for their customers, and that becomes easier with more experience handling insurance claims.

            A disaster cleanup companies experience in the restoration and construction fields is even more important than their experience handling insurance claims. If your house is not fixed properly then you are back to square one, and further problems may arise. When you are in a panicked situation it seems easiest to go with the fastest and cheapest option to fixing your home, but it is important to take a step back and deeply assess all your options. Choosing a professional company could be the difference of a safe and thoroughly repaired house or having lost  thousands of dollars and still requiring home repair.

One way to tell if a company is professional is how they present themselves, both in real time and on social media. If a company has branded trucks, technicians in uniform, and consistent community outreach on digital channels such as a website or social media, then you can see they care about presenting professionally. There is nothing for them to hide, and they want the world to know they are in business. The opposite can be said for “One Truck Chuck” with an unmarked vehicle, no means of contacting or getting messages from customers, and no guaranteed warranty. This leaves the possibility for people in need of home emergency repair to get less-than-par service throughout the restoration process. They may have no way to get their money back, and see even more damage in their homes then what they started with. It’s also possible that the damage has only been hidden or temporarily repaired, causing worse problems down the road.

Problems like these are avoidable if you can contact a business with concerns, and are communicated with along the way. If they are reliable and credible, that allows customers to put trust in the fact that their house will get fixed and it will get fixed properly and thoroughly.


            Disaster Response has years of experience with restoration and construction for both residential and commercial properties. Disaster Response also has long-standing relationships with insurance companies, with employees who understand the insurance process. Choosing Team DR guarantees a professional experience, ending in a thoroughly repaired, safe and happy home.  If you are experiencing property damage, large or small, Disaster Response is here for you with 24/7/365 emergency service. Call (844)-315-3100 or visit our website for more information.

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