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New Technology in the Damage Restoration Industry

Damage restoration is a pretty broad field. It generally encompasses the entire industry of techniques used to restore a home, business, or automobile after a natural disaster. Damage restorers often abate mold, repair water damage, clean smoke damage, and other related tasks. To do this, they use the latest technology that makes the job faster and more effective. Here are some examples of the latest damage restoration technology.

Detecting Moisture

Oftentimes, the worst moisture damage occurs in the secluded areas. For example, if you have flooding in your home, the walls and the ceiling are exposed to moving air. They can also be easily identified if they’re wet. However, in crevices, behind furniture, and in the basement, you might not even notice that there is moisture. That means the moisture damage will not be abated and mold can grow.

New moisture detection equipment makes it easier for damage restorers to find those hidden pockets of moisture. They use hygrometers and other electronic meters to find pockets of wetness. Also, they can use infrared cameras to spot where moisture is because moisture lowers the temperature of a wall or ceiling in spots.

Stronger Pumps

If you are still in the midst of a flooding event, pumping water out as quickly as possible is the best way to reduce the damage. New pumps are often mounted on trucks; they’re more powerful and smaller than any pumps ever used before. New pumps can get your house dry in a fraction of the time of older pumps.


Removing the odor is often the last task of damage restoration. The odor is caused by tiny molecules floating in the air. So, deodorizers are often air scrubbers that remove tiny particles from the air. There are also misters or foggers that will spread a deodorant throughout the house. The chemicals used to deodorize have also been revolutionized. In the past, many deodorants were designed to simply mask the smell, but the malodorous particles remained. New deodorants are often detergents as well; that means they kill or neutralize the foul odors.


New antimicrobial technology such as UV lights or just improved detergents can also kill more mold spores and more bacteria. That means it is less likely that a mold infestation will recur. It will reduce the odor in your house, make you healthier, and get you back into your home or office faster. These are just a few examples of advances in the damage restoration world.

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